
'The Green Touring Toolkit'
Commissioned in 2021, 'The Green Touring Toolkit' is the centrepiece of Arts On Tour's Green Touring Initiatives.
Arts on Tour is one of Australia’s most prolific performing arts touring organisations and the peak body for touring in NSW. Our purpose is to sustainably bring culturally distinctive and resonant arts experiences to audiences and communities across the country, whilst leading on best practice and building the touring capacity of the performing arts sector as a whole.
Developed in consultation with artists, creatives, arts managers and environmental sustainability experts, The Green Touring Toolkit is a practical, step by step companion guide to greening the production and touring process – from setting goals to production design and pre-tour planning, working with venue partners and reducing emissions on tour, and measuring emissions post tour purchasing offsets.

Yellow Brick Road Home Loans
10 Home Loan Myths & 10 Tips For Getting It Done
Commissioned in 2021, the "10 Home Loan Myths' eBook is some of Mark Bouris' inside baseball tips on buying a home, garnered from his decades in the business of providing advice and home loans.
Mark Bouris is the Executive Chairman and founder of a Mortgage Brokers, Yellow Brick Road (YBR). Before that, he was the founder and Chairman of Wizard Home Loans, revolutionising the home loans landscape in Australia in the 1990's; something called "disrupting", today.
This short eBook, comes from me, personally, the individual not the business, because these thoughts have been pulled from my own experience of a few decades in the home loan marketplace, helping people get it done, to get the best deal so they can realise their dreams.
Over the years, I've heard a lot of bullshit about home loans: who can get a loan, who can't, whether a bank or broker is best, age old questions about interest rates and the things that may or may not get in the way of someone getting approved for a loan. One or two of these myths are relatively new, most are as old as me, if not older. As the last man standing of the independents in the home loans business - I don't answer to any bank or financial institution - I felt the time was right to blow-up some of these myths that I hear again and again and give everyone the best tips I've got to help get that loan done.
There are not many people who can wear the badge of authority on home loans and mortgages in this country, and I feel it's important that one of us still gets up. These are myths anyone needs to know the truth about and tricks or tips I can offer up. This is me paying it forward. Just some myths I want to set straight and some tips to give anyone an inside edge.